The easiest way to deploy infrastructure

An open-source, API driven infrastructure management system

Ludus intro thumbnail

You're paid to assess or defend, not configure

Ludus will deploy and configure complex networks with a single command

YAML Configuration

Configure with yaml


Define configuration at a high level - let Ludus handle the details

  • Install Active Directory with as many secondary DCs as you want
  • Install any Microsoft Office version and bit-ness on a Windows host
  • Sysprep Windows hosts before AD joins
  • Install arbitrary Chocolatey packages
Features 02

From Debian 12 to deployment


Easy installer and template builds take you from zero to ready-to-deploy easily

  • One command - fully automated install
  • Templates built from checksum verified ISOs - no random vagrant boxes
  • Easily add your own templates backed by Packer
Features 03

Fully customizable


Create complex networks and deploy as many VMs as your host can handle!

  • Define up to 255 VLANs (/24) with arbitrary firewall rules
  • Add arbitrary ansible roles to VMs
  • Directly connect with SSH, RDP, VNC, or KasmVNC to any range VM
  • Generate an ansible inventory for automated configuration outside of Ludus
  • Internal DNS with easy to set rewrites - simulate any domain
Features 04

OPSEC built in


Do you trust that binary from GitHub? Or want to keep the telemetry generated by your latest in-house tools from leaking to threat intel?

  • Easily and quickly isolate VMs from the internet
  • Snapshots are taken before isolation and reverted before internet is turned back on
  • Allow specific domains or IPs while isolated to test live C2 channels or techniques that require internet

Stop configuring, start testing

Ludus takes the repetitive work out of setting up and managing infrastructure for developers, QA, red teams, blue teams, and every color in between.

Standard setups included

Active Directory, domain controllers, Microsoft office, Windows, Linux, and even macOS support included

Deploy where you want

Any Debian 12 host with virtualization support and enough resources will run Ludus - even cloud VMs!

Access from anywhere

Built in WireGuard server allows secure connection from anywhere in the world

Isolate your research

Keep your latest tools and techniques from leaking telemetry to Microsoft or EDRs

Open source

Ludus is under active development and fully open source with an AGPLv3 license

Deploy for your team

Designed for teams, Ludus supports multiple isolated ranges on a single server

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